Friday, November 30, 2012


I love art projects in December. We always go all out in decorating our room for December. I like it to feel cheerful and festive. I also have to be culturally sensitive since we have quiet a few families that celebrate different religious holidays during December. So for my board this year I decided to make reindeer. Nothing more cheerful than some happy reindeer!
Reindeer Hall of Fame:
This one's my favorite! Love the eyes looking down! hehe!
They can't believe it's December already either!
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::I did a bad thing::

...So I ran out of space for posting photos on this blog. So I thought, I'll delete the photos from past posts so there will be more room. Well guess what? I needed those pictures. Now I have to go back into all my old posts and add all the pictures again. Soooooo....hang in there with me while I try to fix everything and get the blog back up and running. I'll still be posting new projects and boards, it just may take awhile to get all the old posts up to snuff!

Sorry for the inconvenience and confusion this is probably causing! Hopefully this will be fixed soon.
Until then.
Peace Out Homies. Pin It

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

::Scarecrow Project::

I told you I'd probably be adding something else to my board soon and I came up with a cute scarecrow that I thought would be it...but did not make it to the bulletin board (although they are very proudly displayed throughout our classroom). ;) 
This project was so simple, it's almost silly. Its made from paper lunch bags and construction paper. I like scarecrows because you can make them in October and keep them up through November. If you want to make this art project I created a template for you to print. Just save the image, print, and trace away! 
Scarecrow Hall of Fame:
 This little guy got confused...he made his cheeks into eyes. lol
Here's my template for the scarecrow. I would print it on card stock so that it can withstand multiple tracing (I usually do that so that I can save the pieces for future projects). 

Happy Wednesday! 
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Thursday, November 8, 2012

::November Boards of The Past::

November is one of my favorite months, I love doing fall boards. Here's my boards from the last 2 years. 
 My board from 2 years ago. One of my favorites
 Last years board. 
We made turkeys, Indian corn, and torn paper acorns.

I love fall and winter. They're my favorite seasons to decorate for and my favorite seasons to make crafts for.
I'll tell you how we did the turkeys in another post. The picture doesn't do them justice but they were really cute and popped off the board.
Can't wait to share more fall projects!
;) Laters! Pin It

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

::Indian Corn Cobs::

This is one of my favorite projects I've ever done. They turned out fabulous and were very cute on my board. 
The first time we made these, I turned them into corn stalks. The next year they were just accents on my boar

They were very simple, I printed a corn coloring page for the kids to color. Then the kids glued on buttons to be the corn kernels. To make it more sturdy I glued the corn onto construction paper and then cut it out. 

It was a simple project that turned out great. I loved the way the buttons looked on the corn. So cute!

Happy gluing friends! :) 
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::November Board::

Here's my November board. It's very similar to one I did two years ago...I still might add some more things to it but I'm not entirely sure.

 We made corn this year similar to the Indian button corn I did before, 
only this year we glued on actual popcorn for the kernels.

 I added a little friend to the board. A hungry crow spying the corn! 
It's a good thing I have a scarecrow to keep things safe!
Keeping things simple this month. ;) 
After while crocodile! 
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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

::October Wrap Up::

Here's a couple more art projects I didn't have time to post. 
We made some "creepy, scaredy cats."
And some q-tip skeletons
We had a blast decorating our room for Halloween, we pulled out all the stops and covered every space we could with projects. Now it's time to gear up for November, I have lots of projects I want to do, we'll see how many I'll actually get to. 

Later gators! Pin It

Friday, November 2, 2012

::Eye-Spy DIY::

This next project I wish I would have thought of on my own, but pintrest to the rescue once again! I made an "eye spy" bottle for down time when there's not a lot of kids there to play with. The funny part is that the other staff got in on the game to see if they could find everything on the list. I think this would also be a good restaurant or car game to keeps idyll minds occupied!

Here's what ya need: some kind of clear bottle or jar (I used a VOSS water bottle because I like the way they look). Make sure the the bottle is completely dry before you start filling it with your goods; I also took the label off so that you could use all sides of the bottle on your quest to find all the items on the list. 
Next you'll need rice or salt to be a filler and a bunch of mini items for the kids to search for. I used buttons, felt cut outs, and other miscellaneous items. I typed out my list and laminated it so that it could withstand lots of use.

Start by adding some of your filler and then add a couple of your "eye spy" items. Then add more filler and more items, repeat these steps until you've filled the almost the whole bottle. I left a little room at the top so that the filler could shift around. Finally seal the lip of your bottle with some hot glue or E6000 and close up the cap so that it doesn't pop open and make a mess!

I tied my list to the lip of the bottle so that it's always attached (you should probably do that before you seal the cap so that it's nice and tight on the bottle). Simple and easy project. This could easily be a fun project to do with kids, which makes it all the more enjoyable after its finished. 

Here's the list of items I put in my bottle:
Red Star Button
Orange Button
Red Cherry
Pink Flower
Wooden Apple
Green House
Wooden Gingerbread Man
Snowman Button
Brown Flower
Green Star
Rubber Band
Pink Feather
Red Jumping Bean
Blue Star
Pink Ribbon
Yellow Heart
(a fake one is best because real leaves will dry out and crumble in your bottle)
Bow Tie Pasta
Wagon Wheel Pasta

Peace out guys!
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