Every December we have Christmas break....or what has been deemed "winter break." Schools are closed for 2 weeks but child care is still open. This year we were closed the week of Christmas and open for 3 days after New Years. I had the older kids, which is great. They are so much easier on breaks. However they do get board a lot easier so I had the idea to have a "snowball fight" in the classroom.
It was awesome. The kids had a blast. We turned over tables and used chairs to create hiding spots. We ripped up newspaper to create snowballs. We played a couple different versions to keep the kids interested. We ended up playing for about an hour.
The first version was just a free for all. We threw the balls in the middle of the classroom and gave them about 5 or 10 minutes to blast each other. The second version was we divided up the snowballs and the room in half and divided the kids into 2 teams. We gave the kids 5 minutes to try and get all the snowballs on the other team's side. The team with the least amount of snowballs on their side won. The final version we played was called "ambush." We sent someone outside and had the kids spread out throughout the classroom with snowballs. The goal was for the student to make it from one end of the room to the other without getting hit by a snowball. It was a fun game even though no one made it to the end. If we had access to a bigger room, like the multipurpose room, where we could spread out a little more the game might have been a little bit more successful.
Either way. Any game we played. The kids loved it. And I would definitively do this again.
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